So, I'm in Devon. On holiday. On a farm. I'm cooking on an Aga. The sea is just nearby - in fact, it's my back garden. The sea is my back garden - imagine that! The effect of living this life, only for a week so far, has clearly changed my mode of writing. So now I write in short sentences. And I use more exclamation marks! Psychologically, maybe this is saying something about how sensational I think living this kind of life, in this kind of area, must be. As well as this, I have been introduced to various farming magazines: 'The Field' for example (copies of which have been left next to the loo in the bathroom, by the farmer I imagine). I have learned which plants are poisonous and the various modes of death - interesting - and I have also learned about the role of women in hunting/shooting. Women are 'pickers-up'. They, with their dogs, pick up the shot prey. Apparently, the Queen is an ace picker-up. See. Interesting.

Anyway, here's a picture from last night: the view from my new sitting room of the moon on the left and the sun setting on the right over the sea - which, as I've said, is my back garden. Beautiful. Looks like a book cover to me...